August 21, 2009

Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan ya marhaban...

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Kini Ramadhan datang lagi dan aku bersyukur kepada Nya kerana aku masih lagi bisa terus benafas dibumi yang serba sementara ini dan menemuinya lagi - bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkat. Harapan ku disamping menunaikan ibadah pusa dibulan ini aku akan bisa memperbaiki diri ku ini sebaik mungkin dengan melatih diri ku untuk menghindari sifat curiga dan sangsi ku terhadap insan yang aku sayang dan setiap insan yang ada disekeliling ku - keluraga ku, rakan-rakan ditempat kerja ku dan sahabat handai ku - dan disamping itu juga aku berharap akan bisa menguatkan dan menanamkan rasa sifat kesabaran dalam diri dan hati ku, malah akan aku latih diri ku untuk sentiasa ingat terhadap - Nya (Allah, tuhan yang maha esa) dan akan terus bertawakal kepada - Nya didalam apa jua situasi yang sedang aku hadapi sama ada yang baik, buruk, susah dan senang kerana semua ini adalah datang dari - Nya jua.

Aku sedar, sebagai manusia tak kan pernah lepas dari membuat dosa dan aku juga tahu tanpa aku sedari aku ada juga melakukan dosa yang banyak yang bagaikan pepasir dipantai, sedangkan tuhan maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang serta maha pengampun bagi mereka yang mahu menyedarinya dan yang diberikannya taufiq dan hidayat. Oleh kerana itu aku mahu tergolong didalam golongan orang - orang yang terampun dan dikurniakan taufiq dan hidayah serta ketenangan hati dan jiwa.

Aku akui yang aku juga telah lalai dan lupa terhadapnya selama ini. Setiap musibah yang berlaku, aku sentiasa menyalahkan sesiapa saja termasuk diri ku sendiri dan nasib diri ku, ada kalanya jua aku angkuh dengan kemampuan dan mertabat ku sendiri dengan memandang rendah terhadap mereka yang tidak kesampaian menjadi ketahap golongan orang- orang yang "educated" sehinggakan aku lupa bahawa ada lagi yang jauh lebih hebat martabat ilmiah nya dari diri ku.

Kini aku berasa malu dengan terhadap diri ku sendiri setelah menyedari semua ini dan aku berharap moga dengan adanya bulan yang penuh berkat ini aku akan mula membersihkan diri dan berubah menjadi manusia yang baru, penyabar dan tabah dengan segala dugan yang datang, menjadi manusia yang sentiasa bersyukur dengan kurnia dan rahmat yang telah diberikan terhadap ku, akan mula percaya kembali dengan setiap musibah itu ada pengajaran dan rahmat hidayah disebaliknya, jalan yang aku lalui akan diterangi kembali dengan cahaya nur kasih-Nya, terlindung dari sifat anyaya, kezaliman serta kedengikan insan lain terhadap ku serta jauh dari kesesatan jalan dalam hidup ku kini dan selamanya... - amin!

August 13, 2009

I'm glad to have u… (^^,) [Part 1...]

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This picture was actually taken on last june 25th, 2009 when we were going to the mall watching for a transformer movie – revenge of the fallen. Huhuhu~ I know its kind a too late to post in here but however there is a story behind it that I would like to share.

It’s about someone who I used to called ‘a friend of mine’ remember… he he~ and guess what? I did confessed to her already that day just after we were watching the movie which is almost playing for about 3hours perhaps in the cinema but it 2 thumps up thou.. (^^,) Back to the story, it was happen when we were in the pizza hut having a late dinner there. We have talk a lot, about our old school life, when we were 1st met… hehehe… I still remember thou of cause, I met her in our geography class during our college time in Maktab Duli but we didn’t complete our study course there because we has been choosing another path – I join Nursing College & her join Teaching Course in UBD for primary school .

At first we haven’t known each other very well yet, during our time in Maktab Duli we were just like an ordinary classmate only. However, eventually we were merely lost contact of each other during my first journey in Nursing college until one day an anonymous chatter has text me privately through our so called fire15 channel via MIRC (the very famous online chatting during that time among all the internet user & I was so addicted to it too…huhuhu~) and I did reply to her text and chit chat with her. I don’t know it was her in the very first place until at the end of the conversation she confessed it’s was her the one I was chatting with, and of cause I was so OMG!! It’s you… I said. The world was so small I feel that time and I was just can’t believe it does happen. Well actually she was been asked by one of our ex classmate(who was also join our MIRC channel that time too hehehe... :p~) in our geography class before back then in Maktab Duli, just to tease me around.. huhu :p~

However, I’m glad it was happen because since that night after I gave my hp number to her & she also did gives hers, we began to contacting of each other especially when the 1st sms services via handphone was establish by DST during that year. We also began seeing of each other since then… but there was no special felling developed yet…but we had become a closed friend, sharing each other story, sad & happy feeling, having joke & giggle together.. huhuhu what a nice memory to remember…(^^,)

Anyhow, it’s a lot to share in here about us actually but to shorten the story just after I have confess to her on how I feel about her all of these time that I have been through, yet she did listen and replied with a sentence that I haven’t expected to hear which was “after 9 years had passed, finally you have confessed!” she said with a smile. (I love to see her when she smile he he~) She also thought and assumed that I didn’t want her as my partner life in the very 1st place all of these time we have been known of each other. At 1st I was so speechless but I manage to explain to her why I keep it to myself all of these times until that day again and again, even thou she was actually already gave me ‘a green light’ with a suggestion that we need to move in slowly together by means of indirectly I need to understand it why it has to be like it.

Then therefore as a conclusion June 25th, 2009 we are officially together as a couple….. (^^,) *thank you for having faith in me..**wish our relationship as a couple will always going to be alright & everlasting…- Amin!